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School Profile

School Profile

Phone:  (814)533-5550

Superintendent: Dr. James Cekada

Assistant Superintendent: Mrs. Amy Arcurio

Director Of Education: Mr. Michael J. Vuckovich

Principal: Mr. Frank Frontino

Assistant Principal: Mrs. Kim Moore

School Counselor: Mrs. Melana Simms

School Psychologist: Mrs. Courtney Kuncelman

Behavior Intervention Specialist: Mrs. Kelly Michlena

Kindergarten Transition: Mrs. Kristen Villarial

Cafeteria Director: Mrs. Janie Smith



The Greater Johnstown School District serves the educational needs of the City of Johnstown, three surrounding townships, and parts of Geistown Borough. The District is a combination of rural and small town areas, and encompasses approximately 23 square miles of approximately 3.3% of the area of Cambria County.


Currently, the district consists of one high school, one middle school and two elementary schools. Total district enrollment is approximately 3,100 students. The student body is culturally diverse with a population that is 52% white, 30% African American and the remaining groups, Hispanic (3%), Asian Pacific Islander, American Indian and/or Multi-Racial (15%), equaling 18%.


The Greater Johnstown East Side Elementary School has an enrollment of approximately 750 students in grades K-5.


Both East and West Side Elementary Schools use the Success For All reading program and Everyday Math for grades K-5.


Success for All Reading---  SFAF's elementary programs combine a cooperative-learning framework with detailed lessons that guide effective instruction in critical academic and social skills. Lessons incorporate multimedia, puppet skits, and videos to support classroom instruction and keep students engaged. Interactive lessons are aligned to the Common Core State Standards.

  Although the language used in each of the programs varies slightly, each SFAF lesson is structured around the same basic framework, designed to support cooperative learning and make the best use of both teacher time and student learning time. The cooperative-learning routines and other basic classroom-management strategies used by the SFAF are critical elements of a successful school experience

Everyday Mathematics is a research-based and field-tested curriculum that focuses on developing children’s understandings and skills in ways that produce life-long mathematical power.

The Everyday Mathematics curriculum emphasizes:

  • Use of concrete, real-life examples that are meaningful and memorable as an introduction to key mathematical concepts.
  • Repeated exposures to mathematical concepts and skills to develop children’s ability to recall knowledge from long-term memory.
  • Frequent practice of basic computation skills to build mastery of procedures and quick recall of facts, often through games and verbal exercises.
  • Use of multiple methods and problem-solving strategies to foster true proficiency and accommodate different learning styles.

Each grade of the Everyday Mathematics curriculum is carefully designed to build and expand a student’s mathematical proficiency and understanding. Our goal: to build powerful mathematical thinkers. 

Grading Scale
A - 90-100%
B - 80-89%
C - 70-79%
D - 60 - 69%
F - 0-59%